#!/bin/sh # the next line starts with wish, don't remove the slash --> \ exec wish "$0" ${1+"$@"} ##---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## tetris.tcl ## ## Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Jeffrey Hobbs ## Started: Fri Aug 25 15:27:32 PDT 1995 ## ## jeff.hobbs@acm.org ## ## If you'd like to discuss any aspects of the program, I welcome your email. ## If anyone improves upon this, please email changes to me. ## ## source standard_disclaimer.tcl ## source bourbon_ware.tcl ## ## Tetris with multiplayer mode (Netris!). Requires Tcl/Tk 8.0+. ## Works either in Tk plugin or stand-alone. ## See HTML docs for more info. ##---------------------------------------------------------------------- package require Tk namespace eval Tetris {; variable tetris variable block variable players variable stats variable pmap variable piece variable widget ## VERSION: set tetris(version) 3.2 set tetris(WWW) [info exists embed_args] if {$tetris(WWW)} { proc bell args {} proc Usage {} {} } else { wm withdraw . proc Usage {} { global argv0 puts stderr "Usage: [file tail $argv0] ?-info? ?-blocksize #pixels?\ ?-autopause 0/1? ?-color\[0-6\] rgbcolor?\ ?-maxinterval #usecs? ?-shownext 0/1?\ ?-(left|right|rotleft|rotright|drop|slide) binding?" exit } proc About {} { variable tetris tk_dialog $tetris(base).about "About Tetris v$tetris(version)" \ $tetris(info) questhead 0 OK } } proc ParseArgs {} { variable tetris variable keys variable color if {$tetris(WWW)} { global embed_args set args [array get embed_args] } else { global argv set args $argv } set truth {^(1|yes|true|on)$} for {set i 0; set argc [llength $args]} {$i<$argc} {incr i} { set key [string tolower [string triml [lindex $args $i] -]] set val [lindex $args [incr i]] switch -glob $key { width - height - src { continue } a* { set tetris(autoPause) [regexp -nocase $truth $val] } b* { set tetris(blocksize) $val } color[0-6] { if {[regexp {([0-6])} $key junk num]} { set color($num) $val } } dr* { set keys(Drop) $val } growi* { set tetris(growing) [regexp -nocase $truth $val] } growl* { set tetris(growLevel) $val } growm* { set tetris(growMax) $val } ma* { set tetris(maxInterval) $val } lef* { set keys(Left) $val } lev* { set tetris(initLevel) $val } ri* { set keys(Right) $val } rotl* { set "keys(Rotate Left)" $val } rotr* { set "keys(Rotate Right)" $val } sha* { set tetris(shadow) [regexp -nocase $truth $val] } sho* { set tetris(showNext) [regexp -nocase $truth $val] } sl* { set keys(Slide) $val } mu* { set tetris(multi) [regexp -nocase $truth $val] } hi* { set tetris(highband) [regexp -nocase $truth $val] } ho* { array set tetris [list host $val con,host $val] } p* { array set tetris [list port $val con,port $val] } help - info - default Usage } } } proc Init {{base {}}} { variable tetris variable widget variable keys variable color set tetris(name) [namespace current]:: array set tetris { blocksize 15 maxInterval 500 initLevel 0 autoPause 0 showNext 1 shadow 1 growing 0 growLevel 0 growMax 26 highband 1 multi 1 port 15141 con,port 15141 sockets 0 sync 0 maxbrick 0 numplayers 0 deaths 0 growRows 0 growInterval idle info "(c) Jeffrey Hobbs 1995-1999\njeff.hobbs@acm.org" } array set color { 0 \#FF0000 1 \#00FF00 2 \#0000FF 3 \#FFFF00 4 \#FF00FF 5 \#00FFFF 6 \#FFFFFF } array set keys { Left Right "Rotate Left" "Rotate Right" Slide Drop Options Quit Start Reset AddRow Faster MultiPlayer GameTypes Stats About Keys } option add *Button.takeFocus 0 startup option add *Button*highlightThickness 1 startup option add *Canvas*highlightThickness 0 startup option add *Canvas.borderWidth 1 startup option add *Canvas.relief ridge startup ParseArgs foreach i [array names keys] { regsub { } $i {} event event add <<$event>> $keys($i) } set bs $tetris(blocksize) array set tetris [list root $base base $base host [info hostname] \ con,host [info hostname] myip \ width [expr {10*$bs}] \ height [expr {30*$bs}]] if {[string match {} $base]} { set tetris(root) . } set left [frame $base.l] set right [frame $base.r] array set widget [list board $right.board \ stats $base.stats shadow $right.shade \ next $left.next opts $base.opts \ multi $base.multi player $base.multi.pla \ socks $base.socks keys $base.keys \ games $base.game \ ] frame $widget(socks) grid $left $right $widget(socks) -sticky new grid configure $widget(socks) -sticky news canvas $widget(board) -width $tetris(width) -height $tetris(height) \ -bg gray canvas $widget(shadow) -width $tetris(width) -height $bs \ -bg gray # Oh my gosh, a cheat! $widget(board) bind piece <> [namespace code {Cheat %W}] $widget(board) bind struc <> [namespace code {Cheat %W}] event add <> label $left.title -text "Tetris v$tetris(version)" -relief ridge -bd 2 label $left.lnext -text "Next Object" -anchor c canvas $widget(next) -width [expr {$bs*4+10}] -height [expr {$bs*2+10}] button $left.start -textvariable $tetris(name)tetris(start) \ -command [namespace code ToggleState] button $left.reset -text "Reset" -un 0 -command [namespace code { Reset if {$tetris(numplayers)} { incr tetris(deaths) TellPlayers update 0 $tetris(maxbrick) $tetris(deaths) } } ] button $left.addrow -text "Add Random Row" -underline 0 \ -command [namespace code {AddRows 1}] if {!$tetris(WWW)} { button $left.quit -text "Quit" -underline 0 \ -command [namespace code exit] button $left.opts -text "Options" -underline 0 \ -command [namespace code Options] checkbutton $left.pause -text "Auto Pause" -anchor w \ -variable $tetris(name)tetris(autoPause) \ -command [namespace code AutoPause] bind $tetris(root) <> [list $left.opts invoke] bind $tetris(root) <> [list $left.quit invoke] foreach i {MultiPlayer GameTypes Stats About Keys} { bind $tetris(root) <<$i>> [namespace code $i] } } checkbutton $left.show -text "Show Next" -anchor w \ -variable $tetris(name)tetris(showNext) \ -command [namespace code ShowNext] checkbutton $left.shadow -text "Shadow Piece" -anchor w \ -variable $tetris(name)tetris(shadow) \ -command [namespace code Shadow] checkbutton $left.grow -text "Growing Rows" -anchor w \ -variable $tetris(name)tetris(growing) \ -command [namespace code GrowRows] label $left.glbl -text "Grow Speed:" -anchor w button $left.gup -text "^" -padx 0 -pady 0 -command [namespace code \ {set tetris(growLevel) [expr {($tetris(growLevel)+1)%16}]}] label $left.gval -textvariable $tetris(name)tetris(growLevel) -anchor e label $left.mlbl -text "Grow To Max:" -anchor w button $left.mup -text "^" -padx 0 -pady 0 -command [namespace code \ {set tetris(growMax) [expr {($tetris(growMax)+1)%27}]}] label $left.mval -textvariable $tetris(name)tetris(growMax) -anchor e label $left.lscore -text Score: -anchor w label $left.llvl -text Level: -anchor w label $left.lrows -text Rows: -anchor w label $left.vscore -textvariable $tetris(name)tetris(score) -anchor e label $left.vlvl -textvariable $tetris(name)tetris(level) -anchor e label $left.vrows -textvariable $tetris(name)tetris(rows) -anchor e button $left.ilvl -text "^" -padx 0 -pady 0 -command [namespace code \ {SetIntervalLevel [incr tetris(level)]}] bind $tetris(root) <> [list $left.start invoke] bind $tetris(root) <> [list $left.reset invoke] bind $tetris(root) <> [list $left.addrow invoke] bind $tetris(root) <> [list $left.ilvl invoke] grid $left.title - - -sticky new grid $left.lnext - - -sticky new grid $widget(next) - - -sticky n grid $left.lscore $left.vscore - -sticky new grid $left.llvl $left.ilvl $left.vlvl -sticky new grid $left.lrows $left.vrows - -sticky new grid $left.start - - -sticky new grid $left.reset - - -sticky new grid $left.addrow - - -sticky new if {!$tetris(WWW)} { grid $left.opts - - -sticky new grid $left.quit - - -sticky new grid $left.pause - - -sticky new } grid $left.show - - -sticky new grid $left.shadow - - -sticky new grid $left.grow - - -sticky new grid $left.glbl $left.gup $left.gval -sticky new grid $left.mlbl $left.mup $left.mval -sticky new grid configure $left.llvl $left.ilvl $left.gup $left.mup \ $left.lrows $left.lscore -sticky nw grid $widget(board) -sticky news grid $widget(shadow) -sticky news ## Don't touch this - the returned canvas id numbers are important for {set j 0} {$j < 30} {incr j} { for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} { set x [expr {int(($i+.5)*$bs)}] set y [expr {int(($j+.5)*$bs-1)}] $widget(board) create line $x $y $x [incr y 2] \ -tags back -fill $color(0) if {$j == 0} { $widget(shadow) create rect [expr {$i*$bs}] 0 \ [expr {($i+1)*$bs}] $bs -outline {} } } } focus $widget(board) Reset InitPieces $bs if {$tetris(WWW)} { Stats Keys } else { wm resizable $tetris(root) 0 0 wm deiconify $tetris(root) } AutoPause if {!$tetris(WWW) && $tetris(multi)} { if {[catch SocketInit msg]} { bgerror $msg } } } proc SocketInit {} { variable tetris variable widget set port $tetris(port) ## Tries to connect to the specified port or any of the 50 above it while {[catch {socket -server [namespace code SocketAccept] $port} msg]} { if {[string match {*address already in use} $msg]} { if {[incr port]>[expr {$tetris(port)+50}]} { set tetris(multi) 0 return -code error "unable to find available port" } } else { set tetris(multi) 0 return -code error $msg } } set tetris(port) $port ## Capture our ip/port by sending ourselves a message set tetris(sockettest) 1 set sock [socket -myaddr $tetris(host) $tetris(host) $tetris(port)] catch {close $sock} } proc SocketAccept {sock ipaddr port} { variable tetris variable players if {[info exists tetris(sockettest)]} { unset tetris(sockettest) set tetris(myip) $ipaddr catch {close $sock} return } set newhost [lindex [fconfigure $sock -peer] 1] if {[tk_dialog $tetris(base).socket "Socket Connection" \ "$tetris(port): Accept new connection from $newhost ($ipaddr)?" \ questhead 0 "You bet" "Kick 'em off"]} { puts $sock "Tetris3 $tetris(host) $tetris(port) goodbye" flush $sock catch {close $sock} return } else { set id "(127\.0\.0\.1|$tetris(host)|localhost)" if {[regexp $id $ipaddr]} { set ipaddr $tetris(myip) } NewPlayer $sock $newhost $ipaddr $port } } proc SocketRead {sock} { if {[eof $sock] || ([gets $sock line] == -1)} { SocketShutdown $sock return } variable tetris variable players set peer [fconfigure $sock -peer] set id "[lindex $peer 0] [lindex $peer 2]" ## Line should be of the form: ## Tetris args ## The sync occurs in Drop, where we don't want to lose our ## piece and have the next immediately drop #while {$tetris(sync)} {after 4} if {$tetris(sync)} {vwait tetris(sync)} switch -exact -- [lindex $line 3] { pause { Pause set tetris(message) $line } start { if {$tetris(break)} { Resume set tetris(message) [lreplace $line 0 0] } } brick { set players($id,maxbrick) [lindex $line 4] } update { if {[scan [lrange $line 4 end] "%d %d %d" \ addrows height deaths]==3} { AddRows $addrows set players($id,maxbrick) $height set players($id,deaths) $deaths } } says { set tetris(message) [lreplace $line 0 0] } goodbye { SocketShutdown $sock } default {} } } proc SocketConnect {host port} { variable tetris variable players set id "(127\.0\.0\.1|$tetris(myip)|$tetris(host)|localhost)" if {[regexp "$id $tetris(port)" "$host $port"]} { return -code error "don't touch yourself" } if {[catch {socket -myaddr $tetris(host) $host $port} sock]} { return -code error $sock } else { set peer [fconfigure $sock -peer] NewPlayer $sock [lindex $peer 1] [lindex $peer 0] $port } } proc SocketShutdown sock { variable tetris variable players variable widget catch {close $sock} ## Delete multi-player info catch { set id $players(sock,$sock) catch {pack forget $widget($sock)} destroy $widget($sock) unset players(sock,$sock) widget($sock) catch {unset players($id,sock) players($id,name) tetris($id,maxbrick)} } set tetris(numplayers) [llength [array names players *,sock]] UpdatePlayers Pause tk_dialog $tetris(base).goodbye "Player left" \ "Someone departed..." warning 0 Bummer Resume } proc NewPlayer {sock host ip port} { variable tetris variable players variable widget set id [list $ip $port] set players(sock,$sock) $id set players($id,sock) $sock set players($id,name) [list $host $ip $port] fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 -translation {auto crlf} fileevent $sock readable [namespace code [list SocketRead $sock]] set players($id,maxbrick) 0 set players($id,deaths) 0 set widget($sock) $widget(socks).$sock destroy $widget($sock) set w [frame $widget($sock)] scale $w.s -orient v -from 30 -to 0 -state disabled -showvalue yes \ -variable $tetris(name)players($id,maxbrick) pack $widget($sock) $w.s -fill y -expand 1 pack [label $w.l -textvariable $tetris(name)players($id,deaths)] -fill both set tetris(numplayers) [llength [array names players *,sock]] UpdatePlayers } proc TellPlayers {args} { variable tetris variable players foreach p [array names players *,sock] { if {[catch { set msg "Tetris3 $tetris(host) $tetris(port) $args" puts $players($p) $msg flush $players($p) } err]} { SocketShutdown $players($p) } } } proc UpdatePlayers {args} { variable players variable widget if {[winfo exists $widget(player)]} { $widget(player) delete 0 end foreach p [array names players *,name] { $widget(player) insert end $players($p) } } } proc MultiPlayer {} { variable tetris variable widget set w $widget(multi) if {![winfo exists $w]} { toplevel $w wm withdraw $w wm title $w "Tetris v$tetris(version) MultiPlayer" label $w.hostl -text "My Host:" -anchor w -width 8 label $w.host -textvariable $tetris(name)tetris(host) -anchor e label $w.ip -textvariable $tetris(name)tetris(myip) -anchor w label $w.portl -text "My Port:" -anchor w -width 8 label $w.port -text $tetris(port) -anchor e -width 8 label $w.conhl -text "New Host:" -anchor w -width 8 entry $w.conhe -width 12 -textvariable $tetris(name)tetris(con,host) label $w.conpl -text "Port:" -anchor w -width 8 entry $w.conpe -width 8 -textvariable $tetris(name)tetris(con,port) set widget(player) [listbox $w.pla -height 3] label $w.lsay -text Message: entry $w.say bind $w.say [namespace code { TellPlayers says [%W get] }] label $w.msg -textvariable $tetris(name)tetris(message) \ -relief ridge -bd 2 checkbutton $w.high -text "High Bandwidth" \ -variable $tetris(name)tetris(highband) button $w.con -text Connect -command [namespace code { SocketConnect $tetris(con,host) $tetris(con,port) }] button $w.gby -text Disconnect -command [namespace code { TellPlayers goodbye }] button $w.dis -text Dismiss -command [list wm withdraw $w] grid $w.hostl $w.host $w.ip $w.portl $w.port -sticky news grid $w.conhl $w.conhe - $w.conpl $w.conpe -sticky news grid $w.con - - $w.high - -sticky news grid $w.pla - - - - -sticky news grid $w.lsay $w.say - - - -sticky news grid $w.msg - - - - -sticky news grid $w.gby - x $w.dis - -sticky news update idletasks set a $tetris(root) wm transient $w $a wm group $w $a wm geometry $w +[expr {[winfo rootx $a]+([winfo width $a]\ -[winfo reqwidth $w])/2}]+[expr {[winfo rooty $a]\ +([winfo height $a]-[winfo reqheight $w])/2}] } UpdatePlayers if {[string comp normal [wm state $w]]} { wm deiconify $w } else { wm withdraw $w } } proc SetIntervalLevel {n} { variable tetris set i [expr {round($tetris(maxInterval)-($tetris(maxInterval)/20*$n))}] if {$i<8} { set i 8 } set tetris(interval) $i set tetris(growInterval) [expr {$tetris(maxInterval) * \ (25-$tetris(growLevel))}] } proc ToggleState {} { variable tetris if {[string match $tetris(start) "Pause"]} { Pause TellPlayers pause } elseif {[string match $tetris(start) "Game Over"]} { Reset } else { Resume TellPlayers start } } proc AutoPause {} { variable tetris if {$tetris(autoPause) && !$tetris(WWW)} { ## Not available for WWW play bind $tetris(root) [namespace code { if {[string match $tetris(start) "Pause"]} { Pause } }] bind $tetris(root) [namespace code { if {[string match $tetris(start) "Resume"]} { Resume } }] ## These are not available for during multiplayer mode ## (would potentially require way too much communication) bind $tetris(root) [namespace code { if {[string match %d NotifyAncestor] && \ [string match $tetris(start) "Pause"]} { if {!$tetris(numplayers)} { Pause } } }] bind $tetris(root) [namespace code { if {[string match %d NotifyAncestor] && \ [string match $tetris(start) "Resume"]} { if {$tetris(numplayers)} { Resume } } }] } else { foreach i {Unmap Map FocusOut FocusIn} { bind $tetris(root) <$i> {} } } } proc Pause {} { variable tetris variable keys set tetris(break) 1 foreach i [after info] { after cancel $i } set tetris(start) "Resume" bind $tetris(root) <> {} bind $tetris(root) <> {} bind $tetris(root) <> {} bind $tetris(root) <> {} bind $tetris(root) <> {} bind $tetris(root) <> {} } proc Resume {} { variable tetris variable keys set tetris(break) 0 set tetris(start) "Pause" bind $tetris(root) <> [namespace code Left] bind $tetris(root) <> [namespace code Right] bind $tetris(root) <> [namespace code {Rotate Left}] bind $tetris(root) <> [namespace code {Rotate Right}] bind $tetris(root) <> [namespace code Slide] bind $tetris(root) <> [namespace code Drop] GrowRows Fall } proc GameOver {} { variable tetris variable widget if {$tetris(numplayers)} { Reset } else { foreach i [after info] { after cancel $i } set tetris(break) 1 set tetris(start) "Game Over" $widget(board) delete piece } } proc Reset {} { variable tetris variable block variable stats variable widget variable color Pause array set tetris [list start "Start" level $tetris(initLevel) \ rows 0 next [random 7] maxbrick 0] SetIntervalLevel $tetris(level) $widget(board) delete piece struc $widget(board) itemconfig back -fill $color([expr {$tetris(level)%7}]) $widget(next) delete all $widget(shadow) dtag shadow $widget(shadow) itemconfig all -fill gray for {set i -30} {$i < 300} {incr i} { set block($i) 0 } for {} {$i < 310} {incr i} { set block($i) 1 } for {set i 0} {$i < 7} {incr i} { set stats($i) 0 } if {$tetris(numplayers)} { incr tetris(deaths) Resume TellPlayers update 0 $tetris(maxbrick) $tetris(deaths) } else { set tetris(score) 0 } } proc Options {} { variable tetris variable widget ## These optional windows are already displayed when this is a tclet if {$tetris(WWW)} { return } set w $widget(opts) if {![winfo exists $w]} { toplevel $w wm withdraw $w wm title $w "Tetris v$tetris(version) Options" button $w.stats -text "Stats" -command [namespace code Stats] button $w.keys -text "Keys Bindings" -command [namespace code Keys] button $w.multi -text "Multi Player" -state disabled \ -command [namespace code MultiPlayer] button $w.games -text "Game Types" -command [namespace code GameTypes] button $w.about -text "About" -command [namespace code About] frame $w.sep -height 2 -bd 2 -relief ridge button $w.dis -text "Dismiss" -command [list wm withdraw $w] grid $w.stats -sticky ew -pad 2 grid $w.keys -sticky ew -pad 2 grid $w.multi -sticky ew -pad 2 grid $w.games -sticky ew -pad 2 grid $w.about -sticky ew -pad 2 grid $w.sep -sticky ew grid $w.dis -sticky ew -padx 4 -pady 4 grid columnconfig $w 0 -weight 1 wm resizable $w 1 0 update idletasks set a $tetris(root) wm transient $w $a wm group $w $a wm geometry $w +[expr {[winfo rootx $a]+([winfo width $a]\ -[winfo reqwidth $w])/2}]+[expr {[winfo rooty $a]\ +([winfo height $a]-[winfo reqheight $w])/2}] } ## Only allow multiplayer mode if it was specified and ## we succeeded in getting a port if {$tetris(multi)} { $w.multi configure -state normal } if {[string compare normal [wm state $w]]} { wm deiconify $w } else { raise $w } } proc SetKey {key var} { variable keys variable tetris regsub { } $var {} event set newevent if {[catch {event add <<$event>> $newevent} err]} { bgerror $err } else { event delete <<$event>> $keys($var) set keys($var) $newevent } if {$tetris(WWW)} { focus $tetris(root) } } proc Keys {} { variable tetris variable widget variable keys set w $widget(keys) if {![winfo exists $w]} { if {$tetris(WWW)} { grid [frame $w] - - - - -sticky new } else { toplevel $w wm withdraw $w wm title $w "Tetris v$tetris(version) Keys" } label $w.l -justify center \ -text "Key Bindings: Click in widget and hit a key to change" label $w.ml -text "Move Left:" -anchor e label $w.mr -text "Move Right:" -anchor e label $w.rl -text "Rotate Left:" -anchor e label $w.rr -text "Rotate Right:" -anchor e label $w.sl -text "Slide:" -anchor e label $w.dr -text "Drop:" -anchor e entry $w.eml -textvariable $tetris(name)keys(Left) entry $w.emr -textvariable $tetris(name)keys(Right) entry $w.erl -textvariable "$tetris(name)keys(Rotate Left)" entry $w.err -textvariable "$tetris(name)keys(Rotate Right)" entry $w.esl -textvariable $tetris(name)keys(Slide) entry $w.edr -textvariable $tetris(name)keys(Drop) bind $w.eml [namespace code {SetKey %K Left; break}] bind $w.emr [namespace code {SetKey %K Right; break}] bind $w.erl [namespace code {SetKey %K "Rotate Left"; break}] bind $w.err [namespace code {SetKey %K "Rotate Right"; break}] bind $w.esl [namespace code {SetKey %K Slide; break}] bind $w.edr [namespace code {SetKey %K Drop; break}] grid $w.l - - - -sticky ew grid $w.ml $w.eml $w.rl $w.erl -sticky ew grid $w.mr $w.emr $w.rr $w.err -sticky ew grid $w.sl $w.esl $w.dr $w.edr -sticky ew if {!$tetris(WWW)} { foreach i {AddRow Faster Start Reset Options Quit} { set n [string tolower [string index $i 0]] label $w.$n -text "$i:" -anchor e entry $w.e$n -textvariable $tetris(name)keys($i) bind $w.e$n [namespace code "SetKey %K $i; break"] } grid $w.a $w.ea $w.f $w.ef -sticky ew grid $w.s $w.es $w.r $w.er -sticky ew grid $w.o $w.eo $w.q $w.eq -sticky ew frame $w.sep -height 2 -bd 2 -relief ridge button $w.dis -text "Dismiss" -command [list wm withdraw $w] grid $w.sep - - - -sticky ew grid $w.dis - - - -sticky ew -padx 4 -pady 4 wm resizable $w 0 0 update idletasks set a $tetris(root) wm transient $w $a wm group $w $a wm geometry $w +[expr {[winfo rootx $a]+([winfo width $a]\ -[winfo reqwidth $w])/2}]+[expr {[winfo rooty $a]\ +([winfo height $a]-[winfo reqheight $w])/2}] } } if {!$tetris(WWW)} { if {[string compare normal [wm state $w]]} { wm deiconify $w } else { wm withdraw $w } } } proc GameTypes {} { variable tetris variable widget if {$tetris(WWW)} { ## Use of pre-defined game types is only for ## non-plugin users. Takes up too much screen space return } set w $widget(games) if {![winfo exists $w]} { toplevel $w wm withdraw $w wm title $w "Tetris v$tetris(version) Game Types" label $w.l -justify center \ -text "Game Types: Can you master them all?" frame $w.left # the right side is the info box text $w.info -width 24 -height 4 -wrap word \ -yscrollcommand [list $w.sy set] scrollbar $w.sy -orient v -takefocus 0 -bd 1 \ -command [list $w.info yview] $w.info insert end \ "The following games provide different challenges " {} \ "from the traditional Tetris environment. " {} \ "The point, as always, is to play until the " {} \ "blocks reach the top, but these pre-set " {} \ "variations offer further (faster?) ways in which " {} \ "you can meet your doom!" grid $w.l - -sticky ew grid $w.left $w.info $w.sy -sticky news grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1 button $w.b0 -text "Standard Tetris" -command [namespace code \ {SetGame 0 1 1 0 0 $tetris(growMax) 0}] button $w.b1 -text "I'm on Speeeeed" -command [namespace code \ {SetGame 15 1 0 0 0 $tetris(growMax) 0}] button $w.b2 -text "Row, Row, Row your boat" -command [namespace code \ {SetGame 10 1 1 1 0 10 21}] button $w.b3 -text "Row faster ..." -command [namespace code \ {SetGame 10 1 1 1 10 20 11}] button $w.b4 -text "I'm the Pinball Wizard" -command [namespace code \ {SetGame 10 0 0 1 15 20 15}] grid $w.b0 -in $w.left -stick ew grid $w.b1 -in $w.left -stick ew grid $w.b2 -in $w.left -stick ew grid $w.b3 -in $w.left -stick ew grid $w.b4 -in $w.left -stick ew frame $w.sep -height 2 -bd 2 -relief ridge button $w.b -text "Dismiss" -command [list wm withdraw $w] grid $w.sep - -sticky ew grid $w.b - -sticky ew -padx 4 -pady 4 update idletasks set a $tetris(root) wm transient $w $a wm group $w $a wm geometry $w +[expr {[winfo rootx $a]+([winfo width $a]\ -[winfo reqwidth $w])/2}]+[expr {[winfo rooty $a]\ +([winfo height $a]-[winfo reqheight $w])/2}] } if {[string compare normal [wm state $w]]} { wm deiconify $w } else { wm withdraw $w } } proc SetGame {level showNext shadow growing growLevel growMax addRows} { variable tetris Reset foreach var {level showNext shadow growing growMax growLevel} { set tetris($var) [set $var] } while {$addRows > 4} { AddRows 4 # a little anim effect update idletasks incr addRows -4 } AddRows $addRows SetIntervalLevel $tetris(level) } proc Stats {} { variable tetris variable widget variable pmap variable stats variable color set w $widget(stats) if {![winfo exists $w]} { if {$tetris(WWW)} { grid [frame $w] -sticky new -row 0 \ -column [lindex [grid size [winfo parent $w]] 0] } else { toplevel $w wm withdraw $w wm title $w "Tetris v$tetris(version) Stats" } set bs $tetris(blocksize) grid [label $w.l -text "Piece Statistics"] -sticky ew grid [canvas $w.c -bd 2 -width [expr {$bs*9.5}] \ -height [expr {$bs*22.5}]] -sticky news label $w.c.s -text "Session" label $w.c.g -text "Game" $w.c create window 5 5 -window $w.c.s -anchor nw $w.c create window [expr {7*$bs}] 5 \ -window $w.c.g -anchor nw for {set i 0} {$i < 7} {incr i} { foreach p $pmap($i) { $w.c create rectangle [lindex $p 0] [lindex $p 1] \ [lindex $p 2] [lindex $p 3] -tags "p$i piece" } # Oh my gosh, a cheat! $w.c bind piece <> [namespace code {Cheat %W}] foreach {x0 y0 x y} [$w.c bbox p$i] {set x [expr {int($x-$x0)}]} set y [expr {(3*$i+2)*$bs}] $w.c move p$i [expr {int(($bs*9.5-$x)/2-$x0)}] $y $w.c itemconfig p$i -fill $color($i) label $w.c.g$i -textvariable $tetris(name)stats(g$i) -anchor w $w.c create window [expr {.75*$bs}] $y \ -window $w.c.g$i -anchor nw label $w.c.$i -textvariable $tetris(name)stats($i) -anchor w $w.c create window [expr {7.5*$bs}] $y \ -window $w.c.$i -anchor nw } if {$tetris(WWW)} { grid [label $w.about -font fixed -text $tetris(info)] -sticky news } else { button $w.b -text "Dismiss" -command [list wm withdraw $w] grid $w.b -sticky ew -padx 4 -pady 4 wm resizable $w 0 0 update idletasks set a $tetris(root) wm transient $w $a wm group $w $a wm geometry $w +[expr {[winfo rootx $a]+([winfo width $a]\ -[winfo reqwidth $w])/2}]+[expr {[winfo rooty $a]\ +([winfo height $a]-[winfo reqheight $w])/2}] } } if {!$tetris(WWW)} { if {[string compare normal [wm state $w]]} { wm deiconify $w } else { wm withdraw $w } } } proc InitPieces size { variable stats variable pmap ## Block set pmap(0) "{[expr {4*$size}] 0 [expr {5*$size}] $size 4} \ {[expr {5*$size}] 0 [expr {6*$size}] $size 5} \ {[expr {4*$size}] $size [expr {5*$size}] [expr {2*$size}] 14} \ {[expr {5*$size}] $size [expr {6*$size}] [expr {2*$size}] 15}" ## L set pmap(1) "{[expr {3*$size}] 0 [expr {4*$size}] $size 3} \ {[expr {4*$size}] 0 [expr {5*$size}] $size 4} \ {[expr {5*$size}] 0 [expr {6*$size}] $size 5} \ {[expr {5*$size}] $size [expr {6*$size}] [expr {2*$size}] 15}" ## Mirror L set pmap(2) "{[expr {3*$size}] 0 [expr {4*$size}] $size 3} \ {[expr {4*$size}] 0 [expr {5*$size}] $size 4} \ {[expr {5*$size}] 0 [expr {6*$size}] $size 5} \ {[expr {3*$size}] $size [expr {4*$size}] [expr {2*$size}] 13}" ## Shift One set pmap(3) "{[expr {4*$size}] 0 [expr {5*$size}] $size 4} \ {[expr {5*$size}] 0 [expr {6*$size}] $size 5} \ {[expr {5*$size}] $size [expr {6*$size}] [expr {2*$size}] 15} \ {[expr {6*$size}] $size [expr {7*$size}] [expr {2*$size}] 16}" ## Shift Two set pmap(4) "{[expr {5*$size}] 0 [expr {6*$size}] $size 5} \ {[expr {6*$size}] 0 [expr {7*$size}] $size 6} \ {[expr {4*$size}] $size [expr {5*$size}] [expr {2*$size}] 14} \ {[expr {5*$size}] $size [expr {6*$size}] [expr {2*$size}] 15}" ## Bar set pmap(5) "{[expr {3*$size}] 0 [expr {4*$size}] $size 3} \ {[expr {4*$size}] 0 [expr {5*$size}] $size 4} \ {[expr {5*$size}] 0 [expr {6*$size}] $size 5} \ {[expr {6*$size}] 0 [expr {7*$size}] $size 6}" ## T set pmap(6) "{[expr {4*$size}] 0 [expr {5*$size}] $size 4} \ {[expr {5*$size}] 0 [expr {6*$size}] $size 5} \ {[expr {6*$size}] 0 [expr {7*$size}] $size 6} \ {[expr {5*$size}] $size [expr {6*$size}] [expr {2*$size}] 15}" for {set i 0} {$i < 7} {incr i} { array set stats "$i 0 g$i 0" } } proc ShowNext {} { variable tetris variable widget variable color $widget(next) delete all if {$tetris(showNext) && [string compare $tetris(start) "Start"]} { variable pmap foreach i $pmap($tetris(next)) { $widget(next) create rectangle [lindex $i 0] [lindex $i 1] \ [lindex $i 2] [lindex $i 3] } # make sure it is centered foreach {x0 y0 x y} [$widget(next) bbox all] { set x [expr {$x-$x0}] set y [expr {$y-$y0}] } $widget(next) move all \ [expr {int(([winfo width $widget(next)]-$x)/2-$x0)}] \ [expr {int(([winfo height $widget(next)]-$y)/2-$y0)}] $widget(next) itemconfig all -fill $color($tetris(next)) } } proc CreatePiece {} { variable tetris variable widget variable piece variable pmap variable stats variable block variable color if {$tetris(growRows)} { AddRows $tetris(growRows) set tetris(growRows) 0 } set p $tetris(next) set j 0 foreach i $pmap($p) { if {$block([set piece($j) [lindex $i 4]])} { GameOver return } set piece(_$j) [$widget(board) create rectangle \ [lindex $i 0] [lindex $i 1] [lindex $i 2] [lindex $i 3] \ -tags "p$p piece"] incr j } incr stats($p) incr stats(g$p) $widget(board) itemconfig p$p -fill $color($p) set tetris(next) [random 7] ShowNext Shadow } proc Cheat {w} { if {[regexp {p([0-9])} [$w gettags current] junk i]} { variable tetris set tetris(next) $i ShowNext } } proc Fall {{a {}}} { variable tetris if {!$tetris(break)} { after $tetris(interval) [namespace code Fall] Slide } } proc Shadow {} { variable tetris variable widget variable piece $widget(shadow) dtag shadow $widget(shadow) itemconfig all -fill gray if {$tetris(shadow) && [string compare {} [$widget(board) bbox piece]]} { $widget(shadow) addtag shadow with [expr {$piece(0)%10+1}] $widget(shadow) addtag shadow with [expr {$piece(1)%10+1}] $widget(shadow) addtag shadow with [expr {$piece(2)%10+1}] $widget(shadow) addtag shadow with [expr {$piece(3)%10+1}] $widget(shadow) itemconfig shadow -fill black } } proc GrowRows {{now 0}} { variable tetris if {$tetris(growing) && !$tetris(break)} { if {$now && ($tetris(maxbrick) < $tetris(growMax))} { incr tetris(growRows) } after $tetris(growInterval) [namespace code {GrowRows 1}] } } proc CementPiece {} { variable tetris variable widget variable piece variable block foreach i {0 1 2 3} { set block($piece($i)) 1 set row [expr {$piece($i)/10}] $widget(board) addtag row$row with $piece(_$i) if {(30-$row)>$tetris(maxbrick)} { set tetris(maxbrick) [expr {30-$row}] } } $widget(board) addtag struc with piece $widget(board) itemconfig struc -stipple gray50 $widget(board) dtag piece incr tetris(score) 5 DropRows } proc Slide {} { variable tetris variable piece variable block variable widget if {[string match [set ix [$widget(board) bbox piece]] {}]} { CreatePiece } else { if { $block([expr {$piece(0)+10}]) || $block([expr {$piece(1)+10}]) || $block([expr {$piece(2)+10}]) || $block([expr {$piece(3)+10}]) } { CementPiece update idletasks } else { incr piece(0) 10 incr piece(1) 10 incr piece(2) 10 incr piece(3) 10 $widget(board) move piece 0 $tetris(blocksize) } } } proc Drop {} { variable tetris variable piece variable block variable widget set tetris(sync) 1 if {[string match [set ix [$widget(board) bbox piece]] {}]} return set move 0 while {1} { if { $block([expr {$piece(0)+10}]) || $block([expr {$piece(1)+10}]) || $block([expr {$piece(2)+10}]) || $block([expr {$piece(3)+10}]) } { break } else { incr piece(0) 10 incr piece(1) 10 incr piece(2) 10 incr piece(3) 10 incr move $tetris(blocksize) } } $widget(board) move piece 0 $move CementPiece set tetris(sync) 0 } proc Left {} { variable tetris variable piece variable block variable widget if {[string match {} [set ix [$widget(board) bbox piece]]] || \ [lindex $ix 0] <= 0} return if { $block([expr {$piece(0)-1}]) || $block([expr {$piece(1)-1}]) || $block([expr {$piece(2)-1}]) || $block([expr {$piece(3)-1}]) } { return } else { incr piece(0) -1 incr piece(1) -1 incr piece(2) -1 incr piece(3) -1 $widget(board) move piece -$tetris(blocksize) 0 Shadow update idletasks } } proc Right {} { variable tetris variable piece variable block variable widget if {[string match {} [set ix [$widget(board) bbox piece]]] || \ [lindex $ix 2] >= $tetris(width)} return if { $block([expr {$piece(0)+1}]) || $block([expr {$piece(1)+1}]) || $block([expr {$piece(2)+1}]) || $block([expr {$piece(3)+1}]) } { return } else { incr piece(0) incr piece(1) incr piece(2) incr piece(3) $widget(board) move piece $tetris(blocksize) 0 Shadow update idletasks } } proc Rotate dir { variable tetris variable piece variable block variable widget variable coords if {[string match {} [set ix [$widget(board) find with piece]]]} return foreach {x0 y0 xn yn} [$widget(board) bbox piece] { set x [$widget(board) canvasx [expr {($xn+$x0)/2}] $tetris(blocksize)] set y [$widget(board) canvasy [expr {($yn+$y0)/2}] $tetris(blocksize)] } set flag 1 foreach i $ix { set p [$widget(board) coords $i] if {[string compare Left $dir]} { set cd "[expr {-[lindex $p 1]+$x+$y}]\ [expr { [lindex $p 0]-$x+$y}]\ [expr {-[lindex $p 3]+$x+$y}]\ [expr { [lindex $p 2]-$x+$y}]" } else { set cd "[expr { [lindex $p 1]+$x-$y}]\ [expr {-[lindex $p 0]+$x+$y}]\ [expr { [lindex $p 3]+$x-$y}]\ [expr {-[lindex $p 2]+$x+$y}]" } if {[string match {} \ [set n [eval $widget(board) find enclosed $cd]]] || \ $block([incr n -1])} { set flag 0 break } set m [eval $widget(board) find enclosed $p] incr m -1 array set coords "$m {$i $cd} _$m $n" } if {$flag} { foreach i {0 1 2 3} { eval $widget(board) coords $coords($piece($i)) set piece($i) $coords(_$piece($i)) } Shadow update idletasks } } proc DropRows {} { variable tetris variable block variable piece variable widget variable color set full {} foreach {i j} [array get piece {[0-3]}] { if {[set j [expr {$j/10}]]} { set tmp($j) {} } } foreach i [array names tmp] { if { $block(${i}0) && $block(${i}1) && $block(${i}2) && $block(${i}3) && $block(${i}4) && $block(${i}5) && $block(${i}6) && $block(${i}7) && $block(${i}8) && $block(${i}9) } { lappend full $i array set block "${i}0 0 ${i}1 0 ${i}2 0 ${i}3 0 \ ${i}4 0 ${i}5 0 ${i}6 0 ${i}7 0 ${i}8 0 ${i}9 0" } } if {[set i [llength $full]]} { incr tetris(score) [expr {round(pow($i,2))*($tetris(level)+1)}] incr tetris(rows) $i incr tetris(maxbrick) -$i if {($tetris(rows)/10) > $tetris(level)} { ## Move to the next level incr tetris(level) $widget(board) itemconfig back \ -fill $color([expr {$tetris(level)%7}]) bell SetIntervalLevel $tetris(level) } TellPlayers update [incr i -1] $tetris(maxbrick) $tetris(deaths) foreach row [lsort -integer $full] { $widget(board) delete row$row for {set i $row; incr i -1} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} { $widget(board) move row$i 0 $tetris(blocksize) $widget(board) addtag row[expr {$i+1}] with row$i $widget(board) dtag row$i } update idletasks for {set i ${row}0} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} { if {$block($i)} { set block([expr {$i+10}]) 1 set block($i) 0 } } } update } elseif {$tetris(highband) && $tetris(numplayers)} { TellPlayers brick $tetris(maxbrick) } } proc AddRows {num} { variable tetris variable block variable widget variable piece if {$num>4 || $num<1} return set w $widget(board) ## Move pieces set bs $tetris(blocksize) ## Check if the piece will be moved off the board, if so, we delete it set shift [expr {$num*-$bs}] $w move piece 0 $shift set y [lindex [$w bbox piece] 1] if {![string compare {} $y]} { # no piece } elseif {$y < -2} { $w delete piece } else { set i [expr {$num*-10}] incr piece(0) $i incr piece(1) $i incr piece(2) $i incr piece(3) $i } $w move struc 0 $shift for {set i 0} {$i < 31} {incr i} { $w addtag row[expr {$i-$num}] with row$i $w dtag row$i } TellPlayers brick [incr tetris(maxbrick) $num] if {$tetris(maxbrick)>29} { GameOver return } ## Reassign block vars set move ${num}0 for {set i 0} {$i<300} {incr i} { if {$block($i)} { set block([expr {$i-$move}]) 1 set block($i) 0 } } ## Add random black structure blocks ## make sure that we don't make a whole row of new blocks set numblocks 0 for {set i [expr {300-$move}]} {$i < 300} {incr i} { if {[random] && $numblocks < 9} { set block($i) 1 set row [expr {$i/10}] $w create rectangle [expr {($i%10)*$bs}] [expr {$row*$bs}] \ [expr {($i%10+1)*$bs}] [expr {($row+1)*$bs}] \ -tags "row$row struc" -fill black incr numblocks } if {($i%10)==0} { set numblocks 0 } } $w itemconfig struc -stipple gray50 } expr {srand([clock clicks]%65536)} proc random {{range 2}} { return [expr {int(rand()*$range)}] } Init }; # end namespace Tetris